Winners Announced!
Cisco Global Problem Solver Challenge 2022

$1 Million USD in Prizes

Calling All #TechForGood Startups

How can your early-stage innovative technology solution solve the world’s most pressing social and environmental problems?


Bridging the digital divide.

In Africa alone, around 800 million people today are not participating in the digital economy, and it is due to 4 key factors: 1. High cost of internet, 2. Storage and computing infrastructure are located outside the continent, 2. Most Smartphones in Africa have low processing power and internal memory; therefore, users cannot download apps, and take as many pictures as they want, 3. Energy challenges: we cannot talk about the digital revolution without solving the energy gap that exists in Africa. At ARED, we developed a solar-powered local distributed storage and computing infrastructure that is implemented across a wide area (rural, semi-urban) that will help minimize the digital access cost for users and SMEs.