Winners Announced!
Cisco Global Problem Solver Challenge 2022

$1 Million USD in Prizes

Calling All #TechForGood Startups

How can your early-stage innovative technology solution solve the world’s most pressing social and environmental problems?



Unergy cuts the investment, access, and information barriers in energy. We unite people who want to invest in sustainability with those who want to control their energy and reduce costs through our collaborative platform. In addition, we offer between 20% and 35% more economical energy rates. We achieve this by providing a comprehensive energy offer from a solar energy system installed on a customer's roof without requiring debt or investment costs. Also, we provide real-time energy tracking services to allow companies to track and reduce their energy consumption. These solar energy projects are for people who want to invest from approximately $US270.00 with annual interest profitability ranging between 8% to 13%.